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Born in a small town called Pigtown near Baltimore, Maryland on February 26, 1895, a legend arose. Without knowing much about George's parents, we knew enough about them to know that they were not wealthy by any means. There wasn't a very strong relationship between him and his parents, which is what is thought what lead to George being put in an orphanage. Many rumors are spread about why he was sent here, but one of the highly spread ones was authorities at the time thought the environment in which he was being raised in wasn't fit for a child. His parents were constantly losing track of him and he was finally sent to the orphanage. He spent the rest of his childhood in the orphanage, and 12 years later was able to leave the orphanage. During his many days in the confined space, he would play stick ball in the streets with other local boys. This is how his legacy started.

George Herman Ruth Jr.

“The only real game, I think, in the world is baseball.”

                                                                        -Babe Ruth

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