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With the struggle of deciding whether to retire, manage, or play yet another year Ruth's final decision in the end was to play another year. But this year wasn't for the Yankees, it was for the new Boston Braves. A guy by the name Emil Fuchs had very high interest in Babe Ruth, not only for his ability to play the game at which he could, but because of the attention that he drew. Fuchs wanted people to come and watch this brand new club; he wanted the new club to thrive. But Babe's career was on the down slope. He started the first two games of the season quite well, but as the season moved on his stats got worse and worse. At the end of the 1935 season the Braves had lost a substantial amount of games and fans. But Babe didn't retire in shame, he was still the biggest name America had ever seen.

Boston Braves: 1935

“The only real game, I think, in the world is baseball.”

                                                                        -Babe Ruth

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